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Breastfeeding for Mother

Posted by Unknown On 11:26 AM
Able to breastfeed her own baby is the desire of every prospective mother, because the mother of the present already know how important breast milk, in addition to containing substances very high nutritional value and is more easily digested and absorbed by the baby than the nutrients contained in the formula, breast milk is always available clean, fresh, safe and with the proper temperature for the baby. To produce milk quality and quantity of both the breastfeeding mother should eat a balanced nutritious diet every day.
During breastfeeding, you need adequate and nutritious food because if they do not supply the nutrients you will be used up to produce milk that baby sucked. So that your milk production is not enough and the quality is not good enough, and time period to produce milk becomes shorter. Research shows that well-nourished mothers are able to breastfeed their babies for six months, while only a few of the mothers with poor nutritional condition can breastfeed that long and mothers with poor nutritional condition have a low immune system and health would be very easily distracted, are breastfeeding you should consume more fluids such as milk, juice and water. Breastfeeding mothers should also be emphasis on eating vegetables, fruits, foods containing protein and drink eight to twelve glasses a day. Sometimes there are certain foods that you consume can adversely affect the baby such as: allergic to cow's milk you consume excessive or derived from eggs or seafood.

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